Skateboard clothing and streetwear: The Overlap of Styles!

Skateboard Clothing | The Supply Network

Skateboard clothing and streetwear have a long and intertwined history. Both styles originated in the counterculture of the 1970s and have evolved over the years to become major players in the fashion industry. The overlap between the two styles can be seen in the use of similar materials and designs, as well as the influence each has had on the other.

The origins of skateboard clothing can be traced back to the early days of skateboarding in the 1950s and 1960s.

 Skateboarders were looking for functional, durable clothing that could withstand the rigors of the sport. This led to the creation of garments made from heavy-duty fabrics like denim and canvas, as well as loose-fitting tops and pants that allowed for a full range of motion.

Streetwear, on the other hand, has its roots in the hip hop and punk scenes of the 1970s. It was a style that was all about self-expression and individuality, with bold graphics and bright colors often used to make a statement. Like skateboard clothing, streetwear was also practical, with durable materials used to withstand the rough and tumble of everyday life.

"How to Rock the Skateboard Clothing Look"

As skateboarding and streetwear both gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, it was only natural that the two styles would begin to overlap. Skateboard brands started incorporating elements of streetwear into their designs, while streetwear brands began using skate-inspired graphics and motifs. This led to the creation of skate-inspired streetwear, which blended the functional elements of skateboard clothing with the self-expression and individuality of streetwear.

One of the most iconic pieces of skateboard clothing is the skateboard hoodie. A skateboard hoodie is a hooded sweatshirt that is specifically designed for skateboarding. It is typically made from a heavy-duty, sweat-wicking fabric that is resistant to abrasion and can withstand the wear and tear of skating. Skateboard hoodies often feature a looser fit than traditional hoodies, allowing for greater mobility and comfort when riding.

Skateboard hoodies have become a staple of both skateboard clothing and streetwear, and are now worn by people from all walks of life. They are particularly popular among skateboarders, who appreciate the functionality and durability of the garment. However, skateboard hoodies are not just for skateboarders - they have become a fashion statement in their own right, with many non-skaters wearing them as a way to show off their personal style.

"The Evolution of Skateboard Clothing and Streetwear"

The evolution of skateboard clothing and streetwear has not been a one-way street. Both styles have influenced and borrowed from each other over the years, creating a rich and diverse fashion landscape. Skateboard clothing has brought a functional and practical element to streetwear, while streetwear has added a sense of self-expression and individuality to skateboard clothing.

Today, skateboard clothing and streetwear are two of the most popular styles in the fashion industry. Whether you are a skateboarder looking for functional, durable clothing or a fashion-conscious individual seeking to express your personal style, there is a skateboard clothing or streetwear option for you. So why not try out a skateboard hoodie today and see how it fits into your personal style?

The Supply Network is the ultimate destination for all your skatewear needs. As a skateboard clothing brand, we are proud to provide our customers with a wide range of eco-friendly products, including hoodies, t-shirts, long sleeves, and jackets. Our products are not only stylish but also feature bold skate graphics that are sure to turn heads. We are committed to using sustainable materials in our production process, ensuring that our products are not only fashionable but also environmentally friendly. So whether you're a seasoned skateboarder or just looking for some cool, eco-friendly clothing, The Supply Network has got you covered. Shop with us today and experience the ultimate in skatewear style and sustainability. 

We don't just provide stylish and eco-friendly skatewear, we are also your go-to source for all the latest global skateboard news. We understand the importance of staying up-to-date on skate events, new skate gear, and skateboard tips, and we are committed to keeping you informed. Whether you're looking for the latest trends in skateboard gear or want to know what's happening in the skateboarding world, our team of experts is dedicated to bringing you the most relevant and informative news. With our finger on the pulse of the skateboarding community, you can trust us to provide you with the latest and greatest information 

By The Supply Network